Youth Tobacco Action Groups - incorruptible.us
Tobacco Free for a Healthy NJ is working with NJ Youth through the Youth Tobacco Action Groups - a prevention and cessation program for youth 13-18. Each county in NJ has a county youth tobacco action group. These groups are working to decrease youth tobacco use and initiation.
This Program is funded by the NJ Department of Health.
Youth & Young Adult Quit Program
Educational Curriculum:
Tobacco Intervention Opportunities
Download and Print Posters
Tackling Tobacco

NJ Quitline is a toll free telephone based counseling service for any NJ resident. No parental consent is needed. Call 1-866-657-8677 to connect with a quit coach.

Smokefree TXT is a mobile text messaging service designed for people across the United States who are trying to quit smoking. There is no additional fee for this service. Text the word QUIT to 47848 from your mobile phone.
Don't Get Vaped In provides accurate information about the risks of e-cigarettes and vaping devices for youth and young adults who may be considering use of these products.

Tobacco 21
As of November 1st, 2017, New Jersey raised the age for buying e-cigarettes and all tobacco products to 21 (N.J. Stat. 54:40A-4.1). 95% of adult smokers began smoking by the age of 21, by raising the smoking age, NJ hopes to reduce the number of young adults who become lifelong smokers.
Don't Get Vaped In
NJ Quitline
Smokefree TXT
National Resources
Kids is the leading advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world.
Truth Initiative speaks, seeks and spreads the truth about tobacco through education, tobacco-control research and policy studies, community activism and engagement, and innovation in tobacco dependence treatment.
Surgeon General’s Report: Know the Risks – E-cigarettes and Young People addresses e-cigarette use among youth and young adults, adds significant data and analysis to the science of this important public health issue. Surgeon General's Reports are the gold standard of scientific reports, and each is developed and reviewed by hundreds of expert researchers. Additional resources such as FAQ, a tip sheet, and conversation card are available to download.