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Tobacco dependence is a chronic disease that requires repeated interventions and multiple attempts to quit. Clinicians that use an evidence based brief intervention can more than double the smoker’s successful quit attempt. Encouraging every patient, client, or student who uses tobacco to quit takes as little as three minutes. Below are professional tools that can assist you with implementing a system wide model to address tobacco use and decrease the likelihood of tobacco related diseases among clients.

Professional Training and Client Workshops

These workshops can customized to a variety of audiences.

Ask, Advise, Refer: Brief 
Intervention Model Training

(1 hour)

This training will provide clinicians the tools to develop practice wide protocol to assess and address tobacco use by utilizing CDC’s 3 minute intervention; Ask, Advise, Refer: Brief Intervention Model. The training reviews the application of motivational messages about tobacco use into regular interactions with clients and provides scripting about the health risks associated with smoking, exposure to second & third hand smoke, and tobacco dependence.  Technical assistance on integration of the brief intervention model into existing office routine, available patient resources, and fax-to-quit referral forms for the NJ Quitline and MQC for Families (MQC). Information presented can be customized to accommodate different venues such as; staff in-services, department meetings, larger coalition meetings, as well as conferences.

Tobacco 101

(1 hour)

General information about smoking, including: tobacco control and policy, health and economic impact of smoking, the dangers of secondhand and third hand smoke exposure and electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).


This workshop, geared toward youth, will cover general information about smoking, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), hookah and the health and economic impacts.
Mom’s Quit Connection (MQC) for Families and the NJ Quitline has developed a provider toolkit to assist New Jersey health care professionals in providing effective interventions for tobacco cessation during patient and client interactions. The online toolkit will provide healthcare professionals the opportunity to learn about the services and resources these programs offer.
Register for and download toolkit

What’s the BIG deal

with tobacco?

(45 minutes)

Smoking & Pregnancy

(1 hour)

General information about the impact of smoking, and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke on pregnancy, delivery, infant and child health.  Additional risks to maternal health caused by tobacco use will also be presented.

Get Ready to Quit

(1 hour)

Fundamentals of getting started with quitting smoking. This workshop also includes information on cessation resources and education on nicotine replacement therapy.

Professional Resources
Register and/or Download below!

Referral Form

Tobacco Cessation
Toolkit for NJ Providers

Center of Disease
Control & Prevention

Surgeon General

TFHNJ Quit Centers

Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey is funded through the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Tobacco Control and Prevention. 

Contact Information
E |

P | 732-367-0611

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